I had a similar issue. I changed to "curl -i -XPOST http://192.168.x.x:8086/query --data-urlencode “q=CREATE DATABASE home_assistant”… but still can’t access to 192.168.x.x:8083 to see InfluxDB webpage. I get “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED”.
On my side, I can only access to datas thru Grafana when I’m on my local network. If I’m trying to access outside my home, I can access to my home assistant webpage, the Grafana webpage but generate errors because Grafana can’t access to InfluxDB database (work fine on local network).
Hi, I recently switched from Rasbian w/ Home Assistant to Hass.io, because I figured it might be easier for updating etc. Works fine so far, but I can’t get Influx-DB to create a new database. I have basically the same issue as breckler above.
I understand that the webadmin ui is no longer available, but could you perhaps point a noob like me on how to setup the home_assistant db? (I am not familiar with Resin and Docker.) I SSH into Hass.io and then?
Ok, I think the issue is not me being unable to use a terminal properly but the addons do not seem to run on a RPi Zero.
I also mentioned the RPiZeroW issue in the BestLibre addon-thread. So sorry for crossposting. Just wanted to add here, that I do not help using the create db command.