influxDB problem


I installed InfluxDB via Addons

when I want to create the DB as explained:

curl -i -XPOST http://hassio.local:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE home_assistant"

I get this error:

curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'hassio.local'

when I change to localhost:

curl -i -XPOST --data-urlencode “q=CREATE DATABASE home_assistant”

I get:

curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8086: Connection refused

when I try to access via browser:


I get:

404 page not found

Anyone an idea?


I had a similar issue. I changed to "curl -i -XPOST http://192.168.x.x:8086/query --data-urlencode “q=CREATE DATABASE home_assistant”… but still can’t access to 192.168.x.x:8083 to see InfluxDB webpage. I get “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED”.

On my side, I can only access to datas thru Grafana when I’m on my local network. If I’m trying to access outside my home, I can access to my home assistant webpage, the Grafana webpage but generate errors because Grafana can’t access to InfluxDB database (work fine on local network).

The webadmin ui is no longer available in influxdb. So it’s normal that you got the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

That’s explain :slight_smile:

Hi, I recently switched from Rasbian w/ Home Assistant to, because I figured it might be easier for updating etc. Works fine so far, but I can’t get Influx-DB to create a new database. I have basically the same issue as breckler above.
I understand that the webadmin ui is no longer available, but could you perhaps point a noob like me on how to setup the home_assistant db? (I am not familiar with Resin and Docker.) I SSH into and then?


Ok, I think the issue is not me being unable to use a terminal properly but the addons do not seem to run on a RPi Zero.

I also mentioned the RPiZeroW issue in the BestLibre addon-thread. So sorry for crossposting. Just wanted to add here, that I do not help using the create db command.

Sorry… :slight_smile: