This gets me a “lux” and a “°C” metric in InfluxDb which I can use in Grafana to generate plots.
I’d now like to have the current target temperature of one of my thermostats also sent to InfluxDb.
The value is accessible in HA through states.climate.danfoss_z_thermostat_014g0013_heating_1_4_1.attributes.temperature.
Whitelisting this does give me an error.
When I just add the thermostat’s entity to the whitelist, I see nothing in InfluxDb, i.e. I still only get the “lux” and “°C” fields.
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
Also, is there a way to assign some more meaningful names to the metrics?
I am having the same issue. Home Assistant keeps a record of the climate’s target temperature, but it is not accessible in grafana (at least not in a documented way).
Is this a missing feature in the InfluxDB component or is it possible to access attribute values?
The influxdb component underwent a major rewrite a few releases ago, so the original post is probably no longer relevant.
Its difficult to know exactly what your problem might be without more details, but here is how you access the different values within the temperature records