influxDB V2, custom sensor and energy retrurn


I have a challenge:
Recently my Toon thermostat was removed and therefore my energy production and return/delivery data are now coming from InfluxDB V2.
I have managed to get the data from influx:
delivery and usage, both in watt and both class power.

I made a helper, witn a Riemann integrator and the class is energy, unit of measure is kWh.

For some strange reason I can add the power usage helper in the energy dashboard under Net usage, however, I am unable to select the delivery entity in the energy dashboard setup.

            device_class: "power"
            state_class: measurement
#            last_reset: None
#            state_class: total_increasing
            device_class: "power"
            state_class: measurement
            device_class: "power"
            state_class: measurement
            unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
            device_class: "energy"
            unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
            device_class: "energy"
            unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
            device_class: "energy"
#            state_class: "total_increasing"

all entities have data, and I can not figure out what I am doing wrong here.
Is there anyone who knows the solution?



Then you have an energy dashboard like no other. Power sensors are not accepted, only energy.

To be available for use in the energy dashboard an energy sensor must:

  • Have the correct unit_of_measurement (Wh, kWh, MWh)
  • Have the correct device class, (energy).
  • Have the correct state class (total or total_increasing).

In addition there must be no issues in Developer Tools → Statistics for the entity.

Hi Tom,

You are right, it is an energy helper (pwer to energy, class energy).

In addition there must be no issues in Developer Tools → Statistics for the entity. sorted out the issue. Many thanks, I must have missed that in the documentation…

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I’m not actually sure if it is mentioned anywhere.

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not on:

might help a lot of people if it was added I think.
Thanks for resolving the issue!

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There are links at the bottom of each page for suggestions.

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