Influxdb - value not updated after a few seconds running

I’m running a few ESP8266s sending sensor data over MQTT to my HA instance. Besides that, I’m rocking the Influxdb component, to store longtime data. However, I’m having trouble with one of those ESP8266 or better said with HA. It looks like HA stops to send the data to influxdb after running approximately 10 mins. The rest of the sensors are just fine. Unfortunately I can’t see anything in the logs.

Anyone noticed something similar?

Most of my sensors are MQTT based, and I have not seen anything like that.

Try setting the influx log to debug level to see if HA is trying to send the status.

Something that might be relevant is that identical values are not updated unless the force_update parameter is set in the sensor’s configuration.

Do you mean the influx application debug or the HA influx component debug?

I think the HA component debug would reveal the most information.