Infrared receiver deciphering codes

Hey all,
I’m trying to use an ESP + IR receiver to listen for certain button presses on my TV remote and trigger automatons.

A few days ago I setup a D1 mini and an IR receiver, figured out the IR codes for all buttons on my remote that I care to listen for and programmed the ESP to setup binary sensors for each button. It was working great.

Fast forward to today and I have a box for an enclosure, and it doesn’t seem to recognize any of the codes anymore. I even went through the process to record the IR codes again and reprogrammed it, still nothing.

I’m including a link to my YAML on pastebin (went with pastebin due to length including the IR codes). I’m also including a screenshot of what the IR dump output is for one of the buttons. With MUCH trial and error upon setup I found that each button press seems to yield 3 outputs and that stringing them together for the sensor was working well.

esphome: name: living-room-ir-reciever friendly_name: Living Room IR Recie -

Have tried the suggested solution (in yellow). inverted.

I just looked into that, added/changed the following section of code and the image below is the output

EDIT: Upon further testing I’m not sure where that new bit came from, it hasn’t come up since then, so on the whole this code hasn’t changed the performance

    number: 21
    inverted: true
      input: true
      pullup: true
  dump: all

I kept at it again this morning and now I’m getting consistent results now (I was before, time will tell if it keeps working this time)

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