Ingress error - Ingress for *** not available


Last weekend i was doing some changes to my Home Asisstant environment when i noticed the following in the system logs:
21-01-11 09:10:18 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.api.ingress] Ingress for pya4zJ0DhlWXUeLXjR6ChgR6ahrv1GN7rhbd8ns9u4w not available

This entry keeps spamming me every 5 seconds and i’m not sure if i have caused it myself (probably) or it’s a system error. But i would like to get this error cleaned out of the system.

I have already tried to restore te a previous snapshot which did not resolve the issue. If someone has some ideas what to try next please let me know.

I am running the following versions
Operating System
Home Assistant OS 5.10

Supervisor Version


Today I noticed I was getting the same warning
21-04-15 23:20:11 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.api.ingress] Ingress for XXXX not available

every 6 seconds. Did you ever figure this out?

Home Assistant OS 5.12

Turns out it was an issue with an old browser window i had open whose session had expired or was no longer valid. Closing all the browser windows fixed the issue