Ingress interface showing on LAN, not on WAN

Hello everyone !

I am having a little issue with the Zigbee2MQTT addon in HA.
See, when i access my HA from the local IP address of the server, i can see the ingress interface of the addon, and configure the devices linked, etc…

But when I Try to access it from the DNS that i have set up so i can remotely access my home, the screen stays black, i got no errors, nothing, it just seems that ingress in not able to load the UI:

I was wondering if someone already faced that problem and could perhaps help me diagnose this issue, cause the logs are crystal clear, and showing nothing except values from my devices:

I know i have no reason to have access to the config page outside my home, as i will never setup new devices when i am not home, but, i mostly use the external dns even when on the LAN, and just for the technical reasons, i would love to dig further :wink:

So if anyone have any guesses !

Thanks :smiley:

How have you set up your external access? I use nginx and just tried accessing my zigbee2mqtt externally, works as expected.

I have it set up an a VM.
I use cloudflare as a dns zone
And a kemp server as a reverse proxy to be able to use subdomains.

Worked fine until recent HA updates

Have you tried accessing by browser, not the app?

What do you mean by browser ?
Is there a link created by the addon directly ?

I mean a browser on your phone. I see now that you might be doing that by PC already, thought that you were using your phone when outside your LAN :slight_smile:

I would look into the reverse proxy setup, I have no issues with this and I always use the dns name, not ip and that works both internally and externally.

Ow no i am using a computer and chrome, but good think i will try another browser just to be sure !

Nope using another browser changes nothing