Ingress with Custom URL?

I just set this addon up and tried to direct it to my router IP address ( however it looped back to HA ( I can’t get it to view any other IP address, they just give me “502 Bad Gateway”. Any ideas?

This is more complex than what i am using this plugin for. If you have a chance to add such functionality i would welcome a pull request to the repo :slight_smile:

Not sure exactly what is going on. Some routers might be trying to be “smart” and e.g. breaking out of the iframe that is used for ingress. How do you specify the destination of the redirect? Do you use protocol and port, e.g. ?

I use it to embed paperless-ngx into the HA UI which is running on another port of the same server. Is that working for you?

I used for my router. I also tried for my NAS. I didn’t use any http// etc, just the IP:Port.

I’ll try getting it to pick up another port on the HA server

EDIT: I just tried directing to another port on teh HA machine and that worked… I did include the http:// this time. I tried with http:// to other IP’s but no luck.

Not sure what it depend on then. But if you figure out what is going on make sure to feed back so that we can make this plugin more useful.

Check my first add-on, Firefox in HA. :slight_smile:
I made it so I can browse any site from my home network directly in HA.


Try this integration GitHub - lovelylain/hass_ingress: Home Assistant Ingress function without . I had the same need 2 years ago, so I extracted the ingress function of Hassio into a separate integration, and continued to make some optimizations based on my own experience.


Thank you very much on this integration. I just testing this thing out and this is really working on my system.
I’m running docker installation and was banging my head around on how to access some containers using nabu casa.
I just tested this on my mobile phone using cellular network and android app to access my ha. I was able to access my containers that i set up using this integration.
Thank you very very much again.