Initialising Home Assistant Yellow with CM5

I became a proud owner of a Home Assistant Yellow. I did not opt for the pre-build CM4 version since I wanted a CM5 module instead. I followed the manual via Hardware went like a clock.

  • Pushed the CM5 module in place. It clicked and is firm.
  • Then installed the heat sink. Went smooth as well.
  • Installed rpiboot. Checked the JP1 setting (which had te be reset since it resided on UART)
  • Held the reset button while powering up (through PoE).
  • Released the reset button while the red LED lit up (not blinking as supposed to)
  • Started rpiboot, but this keeps stuck at ‘Waiting for BCM2835/6/7/2711/2712…’

I already checked the USB cable. Had a USB-A to USB-C, but since the forum told me they might not be compatible with USB-2 data I switched to a USB-C to USB-C cable. Changed over to my laptop since my desktop doesn’t have USB-C ports. But still, the issue remains the same.

Any thoughts?

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In a last ditch effort I started changing cables and USB-pots on my desktop and behold. With one certain combo I got the required RPIBoot commands and could start installing HA. So this ticket can be closed.

I am having the exact same issue and about ready to pull my hair out. I’ve tried every combo of ports and cords, windows, macOS, no luck. Any other suggestions?