Initiates (Probe) Outdoor Motion Detector

Please answer the question from my last post above…

And while you’re at it please post the automation as you have it now with the “_burglar” being used.

One question is what you asked sensor.everspring_sp816_outdoor_motion_detector_sourcenodeid
or, binary_sensor.everspring_sp816_outdoor_motion_detector_sensor
on the: sensor.everspring_sp816_outdoor_motion_detector_sourcenodeid ,nothing happens when I trigger sensor
I’m a little confused

- alias: Turn on front light when there is movement
    entity_id: binary_sensor.everspring_sp816_outdoor_motion_detector_sensor
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
    entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp_100_plug_in_switch_switch_5
    service: homeassistant.turn_on
- alias: Turn off front light 5 minutes after last movement
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.everspring_sp816_outdoor_motion_detector_sensor
    to: 'off'
      minutes: 5
    service: homeassistant.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.telldus_tzwp_100_plug_in_switch_switch_5
- alias: Message to pushbullet
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.everspring_sp816_outdoor_motion_detector_sensor
    to: 'on'
    service: notify.mypushbullet
      title: Motion
      message: Motion Garage
- alias: Message to pushbullet

No. I said:

the “_sourcenodeid” won’t ever change. And it’s not a “binary_sensor”. It’s just a “sensor”.

does the binary_sensor change when you trigger it?

Ok inthe states are binary_sensor.everspring_sp816_outdoor_motion_detector_sensor but is off nothing happens when i trigger binary_sensor.everspring_sp816_outdoor_motion_detector_sensor, no changes

something strange is going on here…

in the some of the other entries associated with the device they are “node_id: 19”. The binary_sensor and others are “node_id: 21” which also shows up in your logs posted way above.

can you open the zwave configuration page and take a screen shot of the nodes around 19 - 21 in the drop down “Nodes” menu, please?

it should look like this:

Thank you so much finity for the time you take for me to explain I’m a bit sluggish because of age 64 but I try.

things just keep getting more strange…

there is no node 21 in the list. is it further down in the list? if you scroll down is it there somewhere?

I’m not too far behind at 57 so I understand.

But no node on 21 there is only node 19, maybe this is the error. should exclude the node from the aeotec stick, and include again. it is right thought,what do you think

no ,it is not down the list

i give myself, finy i am tired, must sleep, with me the time is 1:45 in sweden
but thank you
I’ll continue tomorrow.

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yes, tomorrow try to exclude that motion detector node 19. hopefully it will remove both sets of entities but i don’t think it will.

if not then there is another thing we can try. but try to do it the “easy” way first. :smile:

Hi finity, has begun to exclude, include, and then microSD card became error and could not do anything more than start on new from the start installing hassio. had taken several hours to fix it. Now I try with motion sensor to install, the first attempt went wrong, the same error as before. and have bought a new sensor the same product everspring SP 816 to see if there is a fault in the product, but also the other has the same problem, difficult to include, we’ll see if it works.

maybe it’s time to try a different product…:grinning:

You are right.

HI again Finity has not got up the hope of sensor SP816 and has continued to make it work.
Has made progress in the installation, has installed in HA both sensors see picture, But it does not trigger switches in the normal way.
They do not work if you move next to them.
I get them to trigger only in STATES when changing filters to on / off.
Do you have any suggestions. :grinning:

are you saying that the two binary sensors in the bottom right corner of the screenshot above don’t ever switch states when you move in front of the motion detectors?

when I trigger in States ON, the switch also ON and vice versa.
But not when I move in front of the motion detectors.

show a screen shot of both binary sensors showing the attributes.


do any of the other entities change when you trigger the devices (_burglar, _alarm_level, etc)?

also just for completeness show me screenshot of your “zwave.everspring…” and “sensor.everspring…” states pages showing the attributes too.