INKBIRD -- Help Integrate!

@MiAutomations i have not had any luck yet getting this to work.

Hello! Did you ever get it to work with Brewfather?

Oh success! It finally added using Other WI-FI!

Can you specify which “Other Wi-Fi” option as there seems to be a few of them in there now

Great thread! I wonder is anyone managed to integrate Inkbird Sous Vide machine, namely Inkbird ISW-200W. I set up stock Tuya integration, and HA can see the device, however it shows as Unsupported and without entities. Will it help if I use local tuya/tuya local instead?

So I see someone has managed to figure out getting tasmota on the 308 so we don’t need to mess with the tuya stuff: Tasmotize the ITC308 Wifi Temperature Controller Does anyone know how to get it into home assistant (and be able to set all the config options hopefully too!)

Anyone have any luck with this and the current Tuya integration?
The Current Value is correct but the Set Value makes no sense (to me). The outlet shows it at 48.0 F as I want but HA shows it at 118.5. The outlet has the green cooling light on but HA shows it as Off.

I think you’ve got some kind of conversion issue there. Even though you are saying 48 F, between the inkbird device/app and HomeAssistant, the 48 is being treated as degrees Celsius and converting to Fahrenheit. 48 x 1.8 + 32 = 118.4

I have everything installed but something is still not working. All it says in home assistant is off and does nothing. I am only getting one entity ID. In the tuya app i am getting the correct temp readings. Not sure why home assistant is not showing it correctly. Any help would be appreciated. All my other tuya devices are reading correctly in home assistant.

I have the same problem as pendlet. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Using 'Tuya Local ’ mine have been working well.


After reading this thread, I’m still lost and don’t understand if the InkBird ITC308 is supported by HA and how it could be used in HA. What is the status?

I own an ITC308 and can use it with the InkBird Android App. Besides, I have HA with HACS running fine. If I can help, please advice what I could investigate (logs etc.?). Thanks!

Mate i have spent nearly a full day on this. Tuya has to be one of the most clunky integrations.
Anyway I have managed to get my device seen. I have the two entities being current temp and set temp showing.
They were showing data if farenheit. All I wanted was to have this in celcius - but do you think it just a matter of choosing this - not on your nelly.

Would you mind sharing a few details about what you did to accomplish this? I don’t even see my “InkBird” device and BTW didn’t know that it was a “Tuya” - is it? Thank you!

I eventually found a good guide on youtube - here

One of the crucial parts that I had to overcome and it took a lot of reading. When you set up an IOT account with tuya - that account has a time limit and then you ask for an extension. Mine had expired and this was causing so much more issues.
Also important is that once you set up your inkbird with tuya on your phone app then when you want to set it up in HA you need to close the phone app. Apparently Tuya doesn’t like two simultaneous calls on an API?
The Tuya IOT navigation is clunky and noninuitive. The youtube guide above covers most of this.
Good luck
No more Tuya devices for me.


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Thank you so much. :+1: I had hoped that it works without cloud connection. I don’t trust these companies. :face_with_monocle:

This - and several other inkbird devices including the sous vide cooker ISV-100W and likely the 200W - are supported via “Tuya local” (vs “local tuya”)

I got the cooker going. If there are other inkbird devices that need support, the process for a feature request is pretty straightforward and I am seeing devices added rapidly. It’s easier to use than local tuya. Integration is similar - you still need a Cloud IOT account to get the device ID and local keys, but affter that, it’s local control.

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I am at the same identical place…

Did just this to add to HA…

But my HA object does absolutely nothing.
No controls, not even output to be displayed.
Guessing something has changed with tuya?


If anyone has a better write-up, it would be much appreciated.
And I am just looking for a way to monitor my Inkbirds… It is more of a set it and forget device as it will be used to control a walk-in cooler

think the big issue is why the device is showing NULL for the current temperature…