Inkbird pool thermometer IBS-P01B not found by Home Assistant

I have the Inkbird integration installed (and bluetooth of course).

HA can see my IBS-TH2 temperature sensor but not the pool thermometer. The Inkbird app (Engbird??) sees both devices.

I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Hi @williamsdyyz, for the time being you could use the Theengs Gateway Add-on, which also recognises the IBS-TH2 pool thermometer.

As the decoding is very similar to the TH2, I’m also sure the Inkbird integration will have this added easily in the future, where it just might need a device recognition.

Or could it be that your IBS-TH2 is too far away for its braodcasts to be picked up by your Bluetooth adapter?

Hi @DigiH thanks for the reply

I kinda hoped the Inkbird integration would just work. Guess not :frowning:

I installed the Theengs addon & mqtt broker and YES I can see it now! I’m going to have to hit the books on MQTT because I only sort-of understand what I’m seeing!

Thanks - this is progress