inkBoard - dashboards for Kobo and desktop

Uh yeah. My adhd got out of hand a bit…

Anyhow, inkBoard is a python library that you can use to generate dashboards. It was originally designed to run on ereaders, so everything is made from scratch using Pillow. To make it a bit more user friendly, dashboards can be written entirely in YAML.

Its heavily inspired by both Home Assistant and ESPHome, so you’ll find similarities is usage. Hopefully that makes getting started a bit easier.

If you want to try it out, I wrote a tutorial which can be found in the documentation:

Documentation for using it with Home Assistant can be found here:

There are a few preview videos on the landing page of the documentation. I’ll upload them to youtube later so I can also embed them in this post. There is an example with all the Home Assistant elements in the designer repository, which is also linked in the documentation.

Here are the videos of it in action!

The desktop one is more of a showcase of various features, and the end result for the tutorial.

The ereader is connected to my Home Assistant server, and is currently set up to show me the weather and control the lights around my desk.

If people are interested, I can share some more configurations as well.