Brief description of the device or service.
–> Innogy SmartHome heating products. Everything you need for wireless heating per room. Suitable for radiators, underfloor heating… it would be very nice if this service or hardware is supported by home assistant. -
Link to the provider or manufacturer’s product or service page.
–> https://iam.innogy.com/fuer-zuhause/smarthome -
Link to the service or device’s API, along with information as to whether it is public or requires an account or key. (This is extremely important because without a published API, integration of any device or service will be difficult if not impossible!)
–> https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/innogysmarthome/ -
Any other relevant information including examples or GitHub repositories related to the device or service.
–> not found jet
Would love to see this implemented
any news here?