Inovelli Z-Wave Red Series Notification LED

Great tip! I also learn if you want to keep your original scripts file intact, but still include scripts in a subfolder (e.g. “./scripts”) it would look like this:

# Origianl scripts file pointer
script: !include scripts.yaml

# Pointer for new folder
script split: !include_dir_merge_named ./scripts

this ensures nothing breaks, even if you haven’t ever used your scripts file, its good practice to keep it there incase you use a frontend tool that expects it.

That would be awesome I looking forward to this as well. I was able to install into node-red but no changes to lights. Can’t wait for zwavejs to be supported!

Right now the node runs fine and sends the correct Z-Wave JS commands, however the values aren’t updating within Z-Wave JS (at least for my add-on). I’m thinking it has something to do with this pull request from the Z-Wave JS Python dependency which allows values outside of the predefined states for the parameters. This has been merged and added to 2021.3.5, however I haven’t tested yet. Fingers crossed, I’ll update the code immediately if any changes are needed!

I think the Node Red module was for the old Z wave. I just send a service call back to Home Assistant and it works OK.

Service call node
Domain: zwave_js
Service: set_config_parameter
Entity_ID: light.upstairs for example

    "parameter": "13",
    "value": "Red"

Updated the gist for version 2021.4.x and up.


I added a Node Red option very similar to this script for anyone who prefers that:


I haven’t tested it, but the node as I’m seeing it in the UI is exactly what I’d hoped for. The only issue I see is that entity IDs are not auto-populating as they do in every other node.

EDIT: Just tested, and I can’t seem to get an LED to respond. LZW31-SN; set to Z-wave JS integration; color 0, brightness level 10, duration indefinitely, effect type fast blink; node shows “sent color: red” underneath when triggered… but no change in status LED.

I’m using the Zwave JS to MQTT integration. Could this be the reason it’s not working?

No this addon/container works fine.

Unfortunately this node is independent from the official Home Assistant websocket node, so at the moment I’m not sure of a way to auto populate the entity_id field. As for not seeing a change with your output, did you connect the output of this node to the input of a HA call-service node?

I did not! Should the call service mode just contain the entity ID of the switch or dimmer?

If you send an entity ID from the Inovelli node it will overwrite the entity ID in the call-service node, otherwise if you don’t provide one then it will use the entity ID in the call-service node

Ah, great. I removed the entity ID from the calc node and entered it into the call service node, and it works.

One thing unrelated to this method is that when I tap the physical switch, the notification goes away. I don’t know whether there’s a switch config parameter that I could set to allow the notification to persist.

These switches have both notification and normal LED colors. The notifications can be cleared after a set amount of time or after you press a button. Setting the LED color and brightness are permanent until you set it to something else.

I believe the script is for notifications only.

See parameters 13, 14, and 15 for LED settings.
Parameter 16 is for notifications only.

Anyone else having an issue with removing the effect? All other commands effects work.
I’m not able to run the script to perform an effect: “off”. It appears it is doing the math wrong and sending a Parameter 16 value of 0 whenever I set effect as “off”.

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My “off” works fine, on dimmers and switches. I haven’t tried the fan/light combo switch yet.

This was fixed with a firmware update. Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli

My script is working again (and so is my UNRAID server after my old SSD failed and took Home Assistant offline for several days). I’m guessing a Z-Wave JS update fixed something in the meantime. Here are the changes:

March 26, 2021

  1. Added fields to help users experimenting in the Services Developer Tool.

April 3, 2021

Incorporated @firstof9’s changes:

  1. Set execution mode to “parallel” to all this script to potentially run on more than one devices simultaneously.
  2. Implement ZWave JS’s new zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters command.

Works awesome, thanks Brian.

Just need to think of how to add multiple conditions for the LED indicator based on the state of various locks. Node-Red is great for stuff like this but I’m trying to stay away.

I too was unable to get “Off” to work when using this with ZWave JS. I have the same problem mentioned above - I can set new effects, but never remove an effect. I am using a LZW31-SN dimmer with the latest version of the script from April.

I enabled the debug logging that’s in the script and this is what appears:

zwave_integration: zwave_js
model: dimmer
color: '0'
level: '4'
duration: '0'
effect: '0'
node_id: 'None'
parameter: '16'
value: '0'

This was working for me on the old zwave integration with an earlier version of the script. :slight_smile:

After some more testing, I’ve learned that calling this service does not clear the effect:

service: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
  entity_id: light.test_light
  parameter: '16'
  value: 0

… however calling this service does turn the effect off:

service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
  entity_id: light.test_light
  parameter: LED Effect Type
  value: '0'

Using that information, I’ve worked-around this issue by updating my copy of the script to call set_config_parameter in the spot that is intended to clear the previous effect for zwave_js.

Here it is in case it helps others: Worked around issue preventing effect from clearing in zwave_js when setting effect type to 'Off'. · GitHub

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Yeah, I am not sure why it sets it as value: ‘0’
What I am doing is just just using a value obtained from the Inovelli Switch Toolbox to set the manual command for off:

service: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
  entity_id: light.red_series_dimmer
  parameter: '16'
  value: '16714410'
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