Inovelli Zwave JS Notifcation Script - I can't figure out the value vs bitmask

I’m pumped that this should work, I just can’t get it to work. I know there is a complex script for this but I’m just trying to start with the basics but I can’t make the Inovelli Dimmer LED flash red or do anything.


I think I just need a little guidance on my values and what goes where… I don’t want to use node red. I have nothing against node red but HA automations are good enough for me.

Should I be using the entity for the switch or the device?

As of today, 4/3/21…

  • the toolbox gives you the full value of parameter 16.
  • ZwaveJS set config parameter can not set full value in one swoop (unless you set through MQTT). You must set each partial parameter individually
  • see here to view parameters and bitmasks (
  • Using the above image you would need to set bitmasks ff, ff00, ff0000, and 7f000000. Once you set the final one, you would see the notification bar change
  • I heard pretty soon you WILL be able to set multiple partials one on swoop via set config parameter. It may even be available if you are on beta. I personally am using Zwave2JSMQTT add on as opposed to official add-on
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This is great thank you very much for taking the time to help.

I couldn’t get any change in status of my LED trying a few different options:

However, I’m just going to wait if they are making changes to allow multiple config parameters at once.

I’ve never setup Zwave2JSMQTT, I am running MQTT for my tasmota / esphome devices. Would there be a lot of configuration changes required? You know what I will research that on my own. I won’t bug you for stuff thats probably on youtube.

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.

I got it working, I don’t know if it was because I wasn’t setting all the properties and just 1 doesn’t work BUT here is the script to flash green indefinitely.

alias: TEST Change LED
  - service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
      value: 3
      parameter: '16'
      bitmask: 2130706432
        - light.globe
  - service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
      parameter: '16'
      value: 0
      bitmask: 65280
      entity_id: light.globe
  - service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
      parameter: '16'
      value: 255
      bitmask: 16711680
      entity_id: light.globe
  - service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
      parameter: '16'
      value: 10
      bitmask: 65280
      entity_id: light.globe
mode: single