Input Boolean no longer triggering automation

So I have a couple automations triggered by a couple boolean switches.
Since today, they no longer work.
I can manually trigger the automation in the UI by selecting “Trigger” and it works but switching the related switch in the UI doesn’t trigger it anymore.
It’s been working fine for a couple months.
I’ve checked the logs but don’t see anything obvious. I am not sure where else to look to troubleshoot it.
Today, my install failed to update to 0.86.2 and rolled back to 0.84.6. Could be a coincidence but I am not sure, everything else works fine…
Thanks for any hints or help !

you need to check the input_boolean is triggering the automation still… did the automation id change for instance? I have a couple of this and they work in 0.86.x

So looking in the log book. I see that they are now all “OFF” vs before it stopped working they were all green and “ON”. Strange thing is I did not change anything at all since then. Should automations be “ON” in order to be triggered ?

That’s generally how things work. I find watching telly is pretty boring when the telly is off, for example.

In 0.84 I think, all automations were switched off after you started for the first time and had to be re-enabled. They are tracking automations state differently since then so if you updated to 0.86.x from something prior to that that is why.

Just enable all your automations again and they will be good from now on.