Input_boolean not working in automation

I have an input_boolean that I’m wanting to use that when “on” will stop an automation from working. So, my automation has a trigger that should work only when the condition state is “off”. This worked previously, but I’ve noticed that it no longer does. I have beat my head against the wall on this and cannot see what I’m missing. I’m on 0.19.4.

Here is the automation rule:

Any ideas are appreciated!

Here is the state shown in the developer tools:

Do you have a problem with your automation in general? It could be that automation is failing to load. I would check the logs and run your configuration through a yaml validator.

No answer here, but replying to say that I have the same issue. I cannot get my away automation with a input_boolean to run correctly either. I ended up giving up on it.

Funny 'cause looking at your automation, I almost though it was mine!

Here are couple of automations that I am using with input_boolean that are working well for me:

- alias: Enable Recording
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.startrecording
    state: 'on'     
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.foscam_record

- alias: Disable Recording
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.startrecording
    state: 'off'     
    service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.foscam_record    

All of my other automations seem to work just fine. Including ones using input_boolean’s except this one. Oddly I also noticed that all of the actions in the script that is under the action is happening, but HA isn’t putting anything in the log showing that the automation policy worked. Typically I would see the alias in the logs.

I believe the disconnect is that jwl173305361 and I are using Conditions with the input_boolean, and you are not. For whatever reason, adding an input_boolean state as a condition doesn’t work.

I have my automation setup exactly like the original posters, and it simply ignored the input_boolean state regardless if it was ‘on’ or ‘off’.

I would imagine that there is something with the logic in conditions and how an input_boolean’s state is determined. For whatever reason, it always validates as true.

So I feel like an idiot right now! input_boolean didn’t work because it wasn’t set on the home-assistant that I was looking at and using. I recently migrated from a Raspberry Pi 2 > a RPi 3 and thought my old one was powered off! Looks something (power blip) booted my old one up and it has been running in the background! Thank you all for your help on the matter. I feel pretty dumb right now!