I have an annoying situation where I want to use the input_number , but the format of the box doesn’t fit.
The input_text have a perfect display, but give me other issues , explain below .
The first two lines with box are the input_text and below the input_number.
I want to show the input_number in same format of the input_text.
How achieve that?
Issue with input_text , is when applying the filter |float they don’t recognize my locale “,” , only work with “.”.
So, all my interface work with “,” on numbers fields, and only in this box I must use “.” as a decimal.
My alternative is to use the replace filter for any access on these inputs, but this became very annoying and a polluted code, I’m trying to avoid this solution.
The problems is you need a unit_of_measurement for it to be a number, and that is what takes up the space. you could experiment with the range of the input number, because I think it affects the width of the box. You could also try to set the name to an empty string or a space. But in the end you are trying to make the card smaller than the minumum size, which is why it collapses to minimal size. the card was not designed to be used in this small a space. So I’d look for a different card type. Or put one card per column, as it is sopposed to be used.