Input_number on a custom list

custom list with item count?

I looked at shopping list and I don’t think that would apply to this situation. I tried a counter helper but same, not sure it really does what I need, which is this…

In our basement we have a small storage room which I’ll keep shelves of shelf-stable food and some other things like paper towels, TP, etc. The problem is, the basement steps are nowhere near the kitchen so when I run out of something, I’d have to go out of the way to get down there and see what we have.

What I’ve done so far as a test is setup a horizontal stack card with card one being a button-card and the second card being the entity

    type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:button-card
        color_type: card
        show_icon: true
        show_state: false
        entity: input_number.tostitos
            - position: relative
            - grid-template-areas: '"i n"'
            - grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr
        icon: mdi:food
          action: more-info
          action: call-service
          service: input_number.decrement
            entity_id: input_number.tostitos
      - type: entities
          - entity: input_number.tostitos

However, the entities card shows the image and name but I don’t want it to. I want it to just be a text input box (which is how I setup the helper) and unfortunately, you can’t set show_name and show_icon as false on the entities card.

Any thoughts? I just would ultimately like for it to have my custom button and a text input so I can double-tap to decrease the count (which works) and a text input to manually adjust on the fly when I replenish.

This is what it looks like now.