Input number / Slider in seconds?

Is it possible to change the Input number / Slider to seconds?
name: Security Lights ON Timer
initial: 1
min: 0
max: 5
step: 0.5
mode: box
I tried adjusting the value to 0.5 but I get a brief pulse only.

Not really following you are asking, input_number can be anything you want it to be, seconds, minutes, hours, it just an integer.

This is my code in the script, input value seems to be in minutes.

00:{{ states.input_number.security_lights.state | int }}:00

Its now in seconds,

00:00:{{ states.input_number.security_lights.state | int }}

Or hours,

{{ states.input_number.security_lights.state | int }}:00:00

You might need to do some processing of the input_number if you wish to go above 60 seconds (e.g. convert to minutes) or 60 minutes (e.g. convert to hours)

This is my new YAML Config entry
name: Security Lights ON Timer S
initial: 30
min: 0
max: 60
step: 1
mode: box

name: Security Lights ON Timer M
initial: 1
min: 0
max: 60
step: 1
mode: box
how do I combine the two sliders?

I saw a post earlier that combined the two bu cannot find it now, looked something like this

00:{{ states.input_number.security_lights_min.state | int }}::{{ states.input_number.security_lights_sec.state | int }}

Is this correct?

You’ve got a double colon you need to fix between the minutes and seconds, but yes.

You may want to remove the initial setting as I think that resets the value every reboot. That might not be desirable.