you mean, upon selecting igril_meat_selection, you want the number igrill_probe_1_target to be set automatically to the corresponding temp?
that would be easily done using a mapper wouldn’t it, something like below?
- alias: Set grill temp
id: Set Grill temp
platform: state
entity_id: input_select.igrill_meat_selection
condition: []
service: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.igrill_probe_1_target
value: >
{% set temps =
{ 'Beef Medium':'55',
'Beef Rare':'50',
'Chicken Whole':'74',
'Chicken Pieces':'74',
'Lamb Medium Rare':'55',
'Lamb Rare':'50',
'Pork':'71'} %}
{% set state = states('input_select.igrill_meat_selection') %}
{{temps[state] if state in temps else '0'}}
note If added a 0 setting if the input_select wouldn’t be known or set properly. You could also set that as a condition of course:
condition: template
value_template: >
{{states('input_select.igrill_meat_selection') in
['Beef Medium','Beef Rare','Chicken Whole','Chicken Pieces','Lamb Medium Rare',
'Lamb Rare','Pork'}}