Input_select unavailable

i recognized some (not all) of my input_selects are unavailable since a few days. Also a restart does not help. It also makes no difference if i set a initial value or not. Any ideas how to fix that?

What changed a few days ago?

ā€¦ And how/where do you define them ?
Please post a representative sample

My guess is that, several days ago, you edited the configuration file and accidentally introduced a new, empty input_select: section (located after the original, non-empty, input_select: section).

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Sorry again, you are right (it was late yesterday :sleeping: ). That would help. Here is my code:


    name: AuƟentemperatur in fĆ¼nf Temperaturstufen diskretisiert
      - "0"
      - "1"
      - "2"
      - "3"
      - "4"
      - "5"
    icon: mdi:oil-temperature

    name: Alarm Status bzgl. Fenster offen und Licht an
      - "0"
      - "1"
      - "2"
      - "3"
    icon: mdi:sign-caution

    name: Auswahl des Tages zur Anpassung der Aktivierungszeit fĆ¼r die Standheizung
      - "Montag"
      - "Dienstag"
      - "Mittwoch"
      - "Donnerstag"
      - "Freitag"
      - "Samstag"
      - "Sonntag"
    initial: "Montag"

    name: Type Of Broadcast
      - "media_player.echo_alexa"
      - "media_player.echo_computer"
      - "media_player.echo_echo"
      - "group.alexa_all"
    initial: "media_player.echo_alexa"
    icon: mdi:speaker-wireless

Sorry that i have not explained this. I did a lot of work the last days (no work and exit lock due to corona at the moment). For this reason i could not define what was the change which created the problem. Thatā€™s a part of my problem :wink:

But you are awesome. Yout expectation was correct. I introduced a second ā€œinput_select:ā€ - line (as you see above). After a test it is now again working as intended.

Thank you very much :grinning:

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That was either a ā€˜hellovanā€™ insightful guess, you have done some very weird stress testing or you have a very good memory as someone has done this before.
Any which way, kudos to you :+1:

Iā€™ll have to try to do that as I donā€™t see how it would even pass a config check :man_shrugging:

Iā€™ll have to try to do that as I donā€™t see how it would even pass a config check :man_shrugging:

Thatā€™s exactly what surprised me the most. But it did pass the config check. :thinking:

I did a quick check of how my system is configured and I have 43 packages (so a potential to have 43 separate and valid instances of ā€œinput_select:ā€ but I actually only have 5 of them).
So I can see why putting a check for that would be a ā€˜a little more involvedā€™ for the config checker.
Ah well, itā€™s one those to be filed away and try to ensure it doesnā€™t happen again.
Good luck with your config updates.