I have an input select with 3 options - Day, Evening and Night. I have it set up with NodeRed so that when the lux level is above a certain amount it changes to day. If it’s below a certain amount it changes to evening. For the Night option, I want to select this using Alexa so I’ll just say “Alexa. Night on” or something when we go to bed. I’ve got other switches working with Alexa but I can’t work out how to get this input select working.
Looking here: https://www.nabucasa.com/config/amazon_alexa/ it looks like *input_select* is not supported.
Did you have a workaround for this as I would like to use *input_select*.
or use a switch template to trigger the input select
so for each “value” in your input_select create a switch template
value_template: >
{% if is_state('< name of input select>','value') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: <name of input select>
option: "value"
These switches will stay in sync with your input_select and can be called from Alexa. So if the input select is set to the first value only one switch template would be on the other switches would be off. If you turn a switch on it will change the input select and all the other switches would turn off.