Inputting a specific time via Lovelace

I have craeted an automation for switching on my coffee machine in the mornings using a Zigee Fingerbot. It was more complex than I thought as I need to set it the night before depending on when I need to wake up the next day, and not repeating, but in the end I got there. I am using the HACS Time Picker card to set the time for the machine to be started, as I find it slightly easier than the standard time card, however it is still very fiddly on a mobile phone as it is so small, and I wonder if somebody talented out there could do a time picker more akin to the ‘rolling wheels’ you get on most smart phone apps to help those like me with sausage fingers,

You can add a date/time helper, then use the entity_id to select the card, and use that value in the automation…

I would bet if you setup a calendar you could pull todays wakeup time into the automation as well.

Also if you have like say 5 times that you would normally get up, put those into an input select helper and instead of fiddling with numbers, select the closest one one click…