Insert text in the right up

Hi, i’m a novice.
I’m trying to add text when marked with red pen
That buttons are sensors, i’ve to print name of sensor in the left

  • type: image
    entity: binary_sensor.naccinas_pihole
    hold_action: none
    ‘off’: /local/icon/bottone_rosso.png
    ‘on’: /local/icon/bottone_verde.png
    top: 5%
    left: 99%
    width: 1%
    tap_action: none

I NEED TO PRINT the friendly_name: naccinas_pihole

add something like this underneath on same level, you can move/reote/etc. as well

  - type: state-label
    entity:  binary_sensor.naccinas_pihole
    attribute: friendly_name

:frowning: nothing happen

What card are you using? I am using picture elements, see below (you need to zoom in a bit)