I’ve been a HA user for a long time now. For the longest time I was using NodeRed, but decided to move to HA native automations (in YAML). Everyone has their preferences, I took the challenge I would often see in the NodeRed vs HA native automation from @petro that everything you could do in NodeRed you can do in HA (at least within reason). So I moved everything to HA native automations. This is not about NodeRed vs HA automation. Let me get to my point / ask.
Often I would be working on a more complex automation and I would struggle as it was getting very complex. Basically I would finally get it working and then I would hear @petro in my head saying “Why is this an automation? This is just a sensor.” For the longest time I didn’t understand this, until about a year ago.
I took one of my more complex automations. Based on certain sensors in a room it determines if a room is occupied or not. Then it would toggle a input_boolean… Well, what I just described isn’t an automation, it is a sensor.
I set out to create a single template sensor for my occupancy that I could use over and over. This is my solution. I’m looking for his feedback an how I could simplify it further. I only ask because he inspired me to do this. In particular I’m interest in:
- Is this incredibly inefficient?
- In my sensor, I have to manually list the sensors I care about. Is there something I’m not thinking about that I could do this differently?
I have a fairly strict naming standard for my entities so my sensors / automation can make assumptions on what they are, you will see I do that in my yaml below. I’ve been using this sensor for almost a year and it works flawlessly. Before I expand, I wanted some feedback. I tried my best to comment the hell out of it as I knew I wouldn’t remember everything later.
@petro - What do you think if you don’t mind commenting.
Anyone else can comment also.
I’ve also posted this in Github if it is easier to consume.
platform: template
value_template: >-
{#---This is the name of the sensor this template sensor represents. #}
{#--- To find sections or lines that require editing, search this template for 'TEMPLATE EDIT REQUIRED' #}
{#--- To find sections or lines that have optional editing, search this template for 'TEMPLATE EDIT OPTIONAL' #}
{#--- This is the name of the sensor this template sensor represents. #}
{% set THIS = "sensor.den_occupancy_new" %}{#-----TEMPLATE EDIT REQUIRED-----#}
{#--- This is the settling duration for the sensor this template represents. This will
lookup a helper of type 'input_number' and base the name of that helper on the
name of this sensor. If the calculated input_number helper does not exist this
template will attempt to use a system default of
input_number.default_occupancy_settling_duration. #}
{% set SETTLING_DURATION = states('input_number.' + THIS.split('.')[1] + "_settling_duration")|replace('unknown', states('input_number.default_occupancy_settling_duration'))|replace('unknown', 30) %}
{#--- This is the state of the sensor this template represents. #}
{% if states(THIS) != 'unknown' %}
{% set THIS__STATE = states(THIS) %}
{% else %}
{% set THIS__STATE = 'unoccupied' %}
{% endif %}
Below there are sections to devine your sensors.
(1) Motion Sensor List Definition
(2) Power Sensor List Definition
(3) Use Sensor List Definition (a custom sensor)
(4) Occupancy Sensor List Definition (a custom sensor)
{#--- (1) Motion Sensor List Definition
Below is an array that contains the full name <domain>.<name> of each motion sensor
you would like to use to determine occupancy. If you do not have any motion sensors
do not delete this section. Just remove the sensors from the array and leave it as
a zero element array.
{#--- (2) Power Sensor List Definition
Below is an array that contains the full name <domain>.<name> of each power sensor
you would like to use to determine occupancy. If you do not have any power sensors
do not delete this section. Just remove the sensors from the array and leave it as
a zero element array. #}
{% set POWER_SENSORS = [
{#--- (3) Use and Occupancy Sensor List Definition
Below is an array that contains the full name <domain>.<name> of each power sensor
you would like to use to determine occupancy. If you do not have any power sensors
do not delete this section. Just remove the sensors from the array and leave it as
a zero element array. #}
{% set USE_SENSORS = [
{#--- (3) Use and Occupancy Sensor List Definition
Below is an array that contains the full name <domain>.<name> of each power sensor
you would like to use to determine occupancy. If you do not have any power sensors
do not delete this section. Just remove the sensors from the array and leave it as
a zero element array. #}
{#--- Logic to determine if motion is active or inactive and the last_changed attribute
of each sensor, only saving the combined active state and combined last_changed
values. #}
{% if MOTION_SENSORS is defined %}
{% set MOTION = namespace(ACTIVE=false, LAST_CHANGED=99999999) %}
{% set MOTION.ACTIVE = ( MOTION.ACTIVE or states(SENSOR) ) %}
((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states["binary_sensor"][SENSOR.split('.')[1]].last_changed))|int(0))
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{#--- Logic to determine if power is active or inactive. This is based on comparing
the current power usage value of the sensors compared against a predefined
input_number value. The input_number helper is assumed to be in the following
format: input_number.<sensor_name|replace('power', 'off_power_level'). #}
{% if POWER_SENSORS is defined %}
{% set POWER = namespace(IN_USE=false) %}
{% set POWER.IN_USE =
POWER.IN_USE or (states(SENSOR)|int(0)) > states('input_number.' + SENSOR.split('.')[1]|replace('power', 'off_power_level'))|int(0)
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{#--- Logic to determine if motion is active or inactive and the last_changed attribute
of each sensor, only saving the combined active state and combined last_changed
values. #}
{% if USE_SENSORS is defined %}
{% set USE = namespace( ACTIVE=false ) %}
{% set USE.ACTIVE = ( USE.ACTIVE or states( SENSOR )|replace( 'used', 'on' )|replace( 'unused', 'off' ) )%}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{#--- Logic to determine if motion is active or inactive and the last_changed attribute
of each sensor, only saving the combined active state and combined last_changed
values. #}
{% if OCCUPANCY_SENSORS is defined %}
{% set OCCUPANCY = namespace(ACTIVE=false) %}
{% set OCCUPANCY.ACTIVE = ( OCCUPANCY.ACTIVE or states( SENSOR )|replace( 'occupied', 'on' )|replace( 'unoccupied', 'off' ) )%}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set ACTIVITY = ( ( MOTION.ACTIVE == 'on' ) or POWER.IN_USE or ( USE.ACTIVE == 'on' ) or ( OCCUPANCY.ACTIVE == 'on' ) ) %}
{% set SETTLED = ( ( MOTION.ACTIVE == 'off' ) and ( MOTION.LAST_CHANGED >= 10 ) ) %}
{% if ACTIVITY %}
{% elif ( ACTIVITY == false and SETTLED == false ) %}
{% elif ( SETTLED == true and ACTIVITY == false ) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: "Den Occupancy New"
icon_template: >-
{% if states('sensor.den_occupancy_new') == 'occupied' %}
{% elif states('sensor.den_occupancy_new') == 'settling' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}