Instaling PIP - Manager for Phyton

Im using a RP4 to run HA and trying to add a smart humidifier trough this github

Im farley new to this so I don’t know how to start this, like, literally.

The first instruction says

" Install from PyPi using pip, a package manager for Python.

pip install midea-inventor-lib

But where do I run this command? on the RP4 itself? Just connecting a keyboard to RP4 and run the line?

Is it this one?

Then just add it as a custom component via HACS, no need to setup anything manually.

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Yes it is.

How? Can you explain :confused:

This is all you need:

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Thank you :smiley:
Gonna try it and keep you updated.

Also, love your B99 name!

Hi thank you,

but while i try adding it gives out an error “Repostitory structure for v.1.0.6 is not compliant”.

Screenshot 2021-01-07 at 18.31.24.png

Screenshot 2021-01-07 at 18.31.15.png