Install appdaemon dev branch from github

How can the actual dev branch of appdaemon be installed with pip3 ?

I’m looking for the new widgets for HADashboard. The simple installation of the widget definitions and the YAML-Files on top of the actual 2.1.12 Version did not work.

get them from my github untill its implemented.
instructions how to are also there.

Thank You for help. Very appreciated.

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I have a question regarding the iconsensor-widget:

I can’t figure out how to display the state-text under the icon. Any Help ?

state-text: 1

i never used it but so is it in other widgets

I’m wondering if it is possible to use the input_select widget to control the options of a media_player source_list or a wall thermostate operation-mode-list.

I hate to define extra input_select-entitites for HADashboard and to control the media_player or climate-entitites.

Actually I have some zwave wall-thermostate that do not have a on-off-switch but are using a operation-mode-list.
The zwave-wall-thermostate appears in HA as a climate-entity.

Any chance that this can be implemented ?

thats the best way to go.
dashboard is a frontend for HA, not the place to add extra functions that are not in HA.
if you want to add functionalities then AD is the best place. :wink:

if you like something like the input_select for media player source list, its probably the best way to look at adding something like that to the mediaplayer widget.

i have no clue how the climate entity you are talking about is functioning.
it appears as a climate entity, but thats no help to me because i dont have climate entities :wink:
i also have no idea or every climate entity from HA appears on the same way.
it is possible to take a look at the existing climate widget, to see if functionalities can be added.

This is how the climate entity looks like:

The difference between a input_select-entity ist that input_select has an options-array and the climate-entity has an operation_list-array

2018-01-15 14_52_15-Home Assistant

My idea was to modifiy the base_select widget in order to read and change the operation_list-array instead of the options-array and of course change the service post_service from input_select/select_option to climate/set_operation_mode

that can be done.
you can easy create a custom component for that.

I now figured out how to get the operation_list-array into the widget. I made a new custom widget modifying the existing baseselect-widget.

Everything is displayed as expected in the dashboard, but now I’m stuck in calling the post_service in order to write the value back to the entity.

I changed the following function inside the new js-File:

function onChange(self, state)
        if (self.state != self.ViewModel.selectedoption())
            self.state = self.ViewModel.selectedoption()
	    	args = self.parameters.post_service
            args["operatione_mode"] = self.state
	    	self.call_service(self, args)

I changed the line args[“option”] = self.state to args[“operatione_mode”] = self.state but that didn’t help.

The way to change the climate-entyty with HA would be like this:

2018-01-15 17_56_00-Home Assistant

Any idea what I’m doing worng ?

I found it :joy::joy::joy:

operation_mode and not operatione_mode :grin::grin:

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