Install companion app on watch with full android 7.11

i recently got a Kronos Blade Genesis watch. this watch uses a full version of Android 7.1.
if i use the app store to install the Home Assistant companion app it does not show up because the store says the watch is not compatible (Just like banking apps do).

i also downloaded the home assistant apk and tried a manual install which also failed.

i would loved to be able to use the companion app on my watch.
i hope there is someone out there smart enough to help me out.
thanks in advance

There is an upcoming PR that is being reviewed and broken down that will add android wear support

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thank you for your response.
Sounds great adding android wear support.

I must point out that my watch is using a full version of android 7.1, Not android Wear so i am not sure if i will benefit in my instance.

Does your watch have play services and android system webview installed?

the watch has the play store and google chrome pre-installed.
I managed to find the play services and assume, since chrome is installed, that system webview is also installed.
I am using things like the google assistant and the play store to install apps without problems.

Android system webview is not the same as chrome. Android system webview also needs to be a system app so just installing from play store may not be enough.

i had one of the genisis watches and had H.A. running fine, I dont have it anymore so I cannot help you much, but I am very limited in my skills and I managed it ok. This was the main reason for wanting that watch. I think I may have set an account up for it and just used chrome to access the web UI.