Install DSMR reader on hass os

Install the grafana addon, you can create dashboards:

But then you need the Hassio dsmr integration. If you just want the graphs from DSRM you can install the dockers and you will have port 7777 and 7779 on your Hassio box for DSMR

@Romkabouter thx will try and test.
I cant run that simultaenously with “slimme meter” right?
I should first get rid of slimme meter?

I went to app templates, chose PostgreSQL and entered this

I cant map add the hostvolume there, it says select volume and its empty
Am i doing right?

You have to remove Slimme meter, because that is also using the USB, this is assuming you have the USB cable connected to P1
Better to install these two dockers and use:

if you want to connect it to HA.

You can map the hostvolume, click the “bind” button (to the right of container field)
Also, add these under the ENV tab
TZ Europe/Amsterdam
PG_TZ Europe/Amsterdam
POSTGRESS_USER: dsmrreader
POSTGRESS_DB: dsmrreader

I suggest using only lowercase for the name by the way

Are you using the portainer addon? I have a slighty different screen under Containers->Add
Or is your screenshot a different screen?

But i used template “PostgreSQL”
Should i use container instead?
If i chose container-> add container i still need to fill in stuff i dont know

Possible to point me how to add the container for db postfres 12 aalpine

Yes, add container :slight_smile:
See PM

Check out the easy way to use DSMR as addon, DSMR Reader Add-on for Home Assistant