Install FibaroSmokeSensor with ZWave.Me USB Stick

Hi I have two Fibaro Smoke Sensors that support the Z-wave Protocol:

I installed the Z-Wave JS HomeAssistant Plugin and configured it with the ZWave.Me USB Stick:
Z-Wave JS → Configuration → Options → Device → /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00

Then I tried to add the Smoke Sensor via the Home Assistant Web UI
Settings → Z-Wave → Configure → Add Device
and I see the waiting screen.

I push the “B-Button” of the smoke sensor three times as described in the manual

But nothing happens.

This is my log on debug level:

Subscribed to Z-Wave JS log messages…
2023-09-08T12:38:58.846Z DRIVER   all queues busy
2023-09-08T12:38:58.852Z SERIAL » 0x0103013f1c                                                         (5 bytes)
2023-09-08T12:38:58.854Z DRIVER » [REQ] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
2023-09-08T12:38:58.858Z SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2023-09-08T12:38:58.862Z SERIAL « 0x0105013baeb137                                                     (7 bytes)
2023-09-08T12:38:58.864Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2023-09-08T12:38:58.866Z DRIVER « [RES] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
                                    channel 0: -82 dBm
                                    channel 1: -86 dBm
2023-09-08T12:38:58.872Z DRIVER   all queues idle
2023-09-08T12:39:28.847Z DRIVER   all queues busy
2023-09-08T12:39:28.852Z SERIAL » 0x0103013f1c                                                         (5 bytes)
2023-09-08T12:39:28.854Z DRIVER » [REQ] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
2023-09-08T12:39:28.857Z SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2023-09-08T12:39:28.860Z SERIAL « 0x0105013baeb137                                                     (7 bytes)
2023-09-08T12:39:28.862Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2023-09-08T12:39:28.865Z DRIVER « [RES] [GetBackgroundRSSI]
                                    channel 0: -82 dBm
                                    channel 1: -86 dBm

This log entry always repeats itself periodically, regardless if I try to pair the smoke detector or not.
So there is no entry of an attempted Pairing.

If I understand it correct my Z-Wave JS Server is running properly and the ZWave.MeUSB Stick is connected.

Can someone help me ?