Install HA on old laptop without UEFI

This worked like a dream. There appears to be one issue, though. On OS update, it appears that the EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg is overwritten.
My BOOT_ORDER was set to B A. I applied this fix, and it worked, booting to Slot B. After an OS update, it started booting to Slot A. I thought that everything was working as it should. Then, in the next update, it kept booting to Slot A. I inspected the EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg and the updates were gone.

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Yeah, that’s because the image contains the grub.cfg file. So it will overwrite it each update. To avoid this you can point your grub to use a different file like “grub_custom.cfg”. Of course copy the grub.cfg contents there and modify them. I am using this and it works. The downside is that if anything changes in the grub.cfg your custom one will not reflect that, but it shouldn’t change too much anyway.

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Makes sense.
My understanding of Grub isn’t extensive, but looking at the config, I’m unsure why manually specifying the env locations works. They’re not in “custom” locations.
Since we are pointing boot/grub/grub.cfg to the efi grub.cfg… is the load/save_env looking at the env in /boot/grub? If so, why isn’t that being updated accordingly?

As I’m thinking about it. I manually edited the /boot/grub/ env files and the changes were not recognized. So it’s almost like the env isn’t loaded unless directly pointed to. And since it doesn’t load it… it will always use the default BOOT_ORDER of A B

I take it that it’s not possible to do this from within HA using the terminal interface?

I’m trying to do this remotely and have limited tools and even more limited knowledge of how to use these tools.

hello. we don’t have that much technical knowledge. can you please explain in a video?

Just a friendly suggestion that may help you in the future… It is generally considered bad form to respond to a post that is older than a year old (essentially resurrecting a post) without something specific to add to the subject at large (asking for a video doesn’t add) and you’ve basically just asked someone to do research for you. Those two things generally dont attract responses.

Instead, you’ll get better responses if you try to do it yourself - and then if you run into issues open a new thread, explain as much as you can about your condition and see if someone can help.