Install HA OS on Raspberry Pi without ethernet?

tutorial says Ethernet connection is recommended for installation, but I want to install it on a Raspberry Pi 3 model A+ without Ethernet port, is there a different procedure available?

An USB Ethernet adapter. But the 3A+ only has 512 Mb Ram, which might not be enough

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The HASS installation instructions are specific: “Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is ok to get started, but the Model A does not have enough RAM”.

HASOS has a realistic minimum requirement of 1Gb of RAM, and really needs 2Gb+. Running on a RPi3A+ used to work (slowly in 512Mb) with a lot of swapping memory to disk, which will burn a hole in uSD storage.

If this helps, :heart: this post!

on this specific raspberry pi I have HA running for years, so i confirm that it works, surely ram swapping helps. i don’t see holes in the sd card after all this time :slight_smile:

i want to start from scratch for a new house and i simply don’t remember the procedure i followed back then, so please let me know if someone is aware of an answer to my original question, thank you

@francisp thanks this can be an option but i didn’t use it in the past, so i would like to without it.
i’m trying to set wifi credential through advanced tools in the Raspberry Pi Imager, but after long wait I still don’t see HA connected to the router, so perhaps something didn’t work

the other method was to manually write the wpa supplicant text file in the sd card, but after writing HA OS image it seems that I’m not able to read the sd card from my mac, so it seems I can’t do this

That won’t work

See here:

but if your mac can’t access the boot partition ?

We are seeing higher memory pressure (baseline consumption) in recent versions and device previously meeting the requirements technically aren’t. so…

‘running for years’ is not valid. Beware. There be dragons.

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I agree with everyone that 512MB is a problem. From my experience with multiple installs, 2G would be my minimum recommendation and in reality if you have a built with lots of integration 4G is really desirable. That said, instead of doing the HA OS install you can do a standard raspberry pi OS install, and then do a supervised HA install on top of the raspberry pi OS. The supervised installed indicates it just for advanced users, but you just have to have a very basic understanding on Linux (how to install packages with apt) to be successful in getting it going.

thank you for your advice. yes i should have mentioned running for years with very few updates (HA OS v6). so I will consider an hw upgrade if I’ll consider running last versions

I did find a solution: instead of mounting the boot partition, you can do the same plugging in a USB FAT32 named CONFIG, with those files in, and at startup it will have the same effect