Install HACS, Keyboard Pi


Installation HACS does NOT work:

HA runs on a Raspberry 4 with 4 GB.

I use the APP on a MAC and from iPAD and iPhone.

I installed the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal, set the user and password.


Start the HA app and the terminal there - no problem.

If I copy the command “wget -O - | bash -”, I fail at the pipe sign.

Raspberry 4:

The keyboard connected to the Raspberry (QWERTZ) has an incorrect assignment (US?) despite the correct locale in HA (German).

The prompt at the HA shows me that I work there directly in HA (prompt: ha>).

So I fail miserably at the installation of HACS - can someone help me?

If you copied and pasted the command then even though your keyboard maybe set incorrectly, it should still work. What error are you getting?

iMac: Keyboard is blocked, Cant Type anything.

iPad, iPhone: the Same

I have reinstalled Hacs. Raspberry shows Succes After cleaning up „the previous“ Installation.

Restarted the Raspberry twice, but no Hacs appeared in the sidebar.

Has anybody an idea?