@Aephir Thank you so much for this amazing post! I followed your guide and got it all set with a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04. However, I had to change 1-2 things, I post them here in case anyone come across it.
In your guide Step 1.4, I believe these 2 commands are NOT required
gunzip hassos_ova-4.16.qcow2.gz
mv hassos_ova-4.16.qcow2 hassos.qcow2
Setting up Network Section
I had problems getting this to work, so I first had to “REMOVE” the default bridge created by KVM Install by running these 2 commands
virsh net-destroy default
virsh net-undefine default
Since I had “STATIC” IP for my Ubuntu, here is what my 00-installer-config.yaml looks like
enh1: //This is going to be different for your setup
dhcp4: false
dhcp6: false
interfaces: [ enh1 ] //whatever interface you have above
addresses: [] //your static IP for the HOST (Ubuntu)
gateway4: // your router IP
addresses: [,] //Google Name Servers
stp: true
forward-delay: 4
dhcp4: no
dhcp6: no
version: 2
you should do netplan generate
first before applying to catch any errors
Step 3
The only thing I had to do is to install virt-install, if you run the command and get an error, it tells you what you need to do to install it.
Last in order for the KVM to start automatically, run this command
virsh autostart hassos //name of your VM you created
I changed the IP for Home Assistant from the SuperVisor UI. overall fantastic guide ! really appreciate the time effort you put towards this.