Spent around 2 hours trying to use Ubuntu Live with Balena Etcher to install the generic Intel img.
Balena kept throwing very unhelpful errors, and I tried multiple HAOS releases and versions of Etcher, and one other Live distro, just in case it was an incompatibility between the Linux / Etcher releases.
I was installing to used hardware that had a previous Windows 10 install, in preparation for restoring a backup. I’d previously done this for a move from a VM to an ODRIOD.
I have used the linux ‘dd’ command to write images to disks on Macs, so decided to try that approach. I found an article here : Migrate Home Assistant to Hass.io/HassOS/Intel NUC - Robert Andresen
, but his command line did not work as he was restoring a backup from a raspberry pi to a NUC, and the compression archive is different to the HA img.xz file.
What worked.
- Booted the NUC with an Ubuntu Live USB
- using Gparted on the Live USB, deleted the WIndows EFI partition on /dev/nvme0n1, formatted the drive to EXT4. You will need to identify what the device name of your disk is. An SSD would normally be /dev/sd_ where _ = a,b,c, etc.
Also removed the ‘msft’ flag from the drive (this may have been unnecessary, but what the heck). - The install instructions on home-assistant.io reference a file that is several releases behind, so visit:
Releases · home-assistant/operating-system · GitHub to find the latest release from github. In my case it was https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases/download/8.0.rc3/haos_generic-x86-64-8.0.rc3.img.xz - Start a terminal session, and type the following on the command line:
xzcat ~/Downloads/haos_generic-x86-64-8.0.rc3.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/nvme0n1
- Note that xzcat is the equivalent of “xz --decompress --stdout”. It takes a bit of time to complete, but eventually will return to a command prompt.
- Log into the frontend in a browser, and restore a backup, rather than setting up a new user(in my case). Monitor the console until the restore had completed, reboot and away we go.