Install on raspberry pi raspian jessie lite

Hey guys,

Just installed raspbian jessie lite on a pi 1, release date 2016-05-27 and the python installed is 2.7!

so this tutorial is not quite correct…


I unstalled it with the all-in one package (on RPi3)… No problems at all…

there is no problem with the install, because you can “apt-get install python3.4 python3-pip”, then continue with the manual.
I just tried to point out that the tutorial which says all you need to do is “pip3 install homeassistant”, is not correct and maybe needs adjustment.

To be fair you did download “Jessie lite” and not “Debian Jessie” like mentioned in the tutorial. So of course of you do not fullfill the prerequisites mentioned in the tutorial you gonna need to adjust your procedure accordingly.

I don’t think there is a need to change the tutorial. But thanks for bringing it up!



thought they are the same except some packages missing from the Lite

didn’t mean to be rude…


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No offense taken. Just added my 2 cents whether it should be changed or not :slight_smile:

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