Install seems to work fine to Rasberry Pi, but hassio.local:8123 hangs

I am using a wireless hook up with a Config usb stick. I can ping the ip of the but it will not respond to the browser inquiry. I am not a rookie, but am a linux novice. I do not know how to diagnose the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Only asking because of the wording of your title, but did you try IP_ADDRESS:8123?

Yes got same result.

wlan0 has ip address of which is picked up by my fing bridge on my network.

This is the same as the hassio.local ip address.

docker0 has ip address and I do not know where it got that.

you may need to open port 5353 for mDNS to work if you are using hassio