Is there an SNMPD module available or another way to enable SNMPD on HassOS? I would like to monitor my HassOS instance in LibreNMS as I did before I migrated from Ubuntu. Anyone?
I’d like to do this too. Before my recent upgrade from 0.114 to 0.116 I was running HASS on Ubuntu but now it’s using the new docker style.
@cybrwoof and @velkrosmaak, did any of you ever find a solution to this? Im also monitoring with LibreNMS and really miss having my HassOS in there…
No, its odd there is little interest in this.
another bump to show some interest - i would love to be able to get insight via my observium instance into my based pi.
+1 for snmpd support. It would be nice to have basic visibility into CPU/RAM/Disk/Uptime stats to see if the base OS for the system is heading off the rails. It’s the one thing holding me back from moving my installation from Ubuntu based vm to a HassOS vm.
This should probably be under feature requests so it can be voted on.
There is a docker image that I use on my amd64 kubernetes cluster for this purpose. Unfortunately there is no ARM image available. I’ll see if I can fork the repo and re-compile for arm64.
Follow along here for my progress:
Once this is built you can probably run it as a docker container by using portainer.
I got it working!!!
You can follow the instructions on my link above on Github. I managed to re-build the image to be multi-arch. Next step, create a real addon!
Amazing work! Can’t wait to see an addon for this!
I just looked at building an addon as an option, and it doesn’t look like addons let you mount any volume. In this case we need to map the host /proc to → /host_proc inside the container. That said, this is probably the best option for now.
Any Progress/Success on this project?
Add me to the list of interested folks!
I would also like to add my hassio to my librenms, count me among the interested people !
also interested
Added interest here
also interested
yeah na… didn’t work… your directions on your git seem incorrect.
tried various renditions and keep coming up with the same “error while creating mount source path”
docker run -d -v /share/my/snmpd.conf:/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf -v /proc:/host_proc --privileged --read-only -p 161:161/udp --name docker-snmpd mzac23/docker-snmpd
docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path ‘/share/my/snmpd.conf’: mkdir /share: read-only file system.
does /share/my/snmpd.conf exist on your system?
Hi mzac, thanks for getting back to me and apologies for the blunt post… was more out of frustration at my lack of docker knowledge.
yup… tried multiple locations, tried multiple chown/chmod combo’s, even opened up the location so there was no restrictions at all but still no joy…
I’m leaning towards some docker version the GitHub - home-assistant/operating-system: Home Assistant Operating System is running that is causing the issue.
When I get some time I will follow this path a bit more to see where it leads me.