Install supervisor manually on Home Assistant

Hi guys,

I’m wondering if it’s possible to install the Supervisor (Hassio) manually on my environment?
I installed Home Assistant manually on Raspbian but now I’m wondering if I can add the Supervisor on my environment?
I precise that I don’t run it in Docker, as I’m on a Raspberry Pi I don’t want to waste resources with Docker.

I already saw that but this looks like a manual install of Home Assistant including Hassio and runs in docker, which I don’t want.

I also have a question about performances…
I first tried the HomeAssistant image but it seemed a bit slow, I then installed Home Assistant manually on Raspbian and it looks really faster, I guess HassOS is certainly slower with Docker running in it, but I’m also wondering about the impact of the Supervisor itself.

The role of the supervisor is exactly to manage the Docker environment, so if it was even possible, running it without Docker would be completely useless. The footprint of Docker is actually surprisingly low, you shouldn’t be too worried about it compared to the functionality it provides. But YMMV.


If you want to install the Supervisor (Hassio) manually then that guide is exactly what you want. It won’t perform any faster than the image though :wink:

Why do you want to have the supervisor? Do you want add-ons?
Just to let you know, add-ons are just slightly modified docker containers, so if you want the supervisor for the add-ons you need to run docker anyway.
As @MrSpunut said, don’t worry about the “wasted” resources of docker. Once you are at a point where your Pi is not powerful enough anymore, it will almost certainly not be due to docker. Also as you are new to home assistant, I don’t think it’s the best idea to install it in a virtual environment, it’s more something for advanced users. Just my 2 cents.

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Interesting, I didn’t know much about the supervisor, it was my following question actually. I was interested by some add-ons but knowing that I can live without.

The reason I installed it manually is to keep control on my Pi, being able to install any package I want for my scripts or other stuff. Indeed I’m definitely not an advanced users of HA but the manual install better fits my needs for now.

I come from a Domoticz environment where I loved being able to do what I want and I still have script I wanted to reuse, that’s why I prefer this way to do for now, but I already realized that a lot of thing are doable really easily with HA without having to write script so I’m slowly migrating.
Maybe I’ll change my mind over the time and go with the image/supervised env.
But for now as I’m running on a Pi3, I really saw a performance gap between the image and the venv installation.

Fair point, however most of the time installing Home Assistant Core (without supervisor, add-ons, etc.) in docker on top of a generic linux install gives you sufficient abilities to control the system or often there’s also another solution that doesn’t need this scripts at all (as you noticed yourself).

How did this perfomance gap manifest itself? I ran HA in a venv on a Pi3 in the beginning, then I switched to docker (in the meantime I switched to a NUC due to my increasing needs) and never noticed any performance difference, except for longer restart time.

Sorry I was not clear about “performance”, it was mainly boot time yes and memory usage, I mean it was not big and I wouldn’t say I saw a difference in the reactivity of my device so it’s negligible, but sometime I felt like homekit was longer to load but not sure it’s related.

Did you get an answer or support… or just more questioning about what you want to do…?