Hi I’m new on the page I would have a question to do are early in the raspberry programming and I would like to bring in the wonderful home assistant system in italy. I’m having trouble installing; I would like to install home assistant in the root directory and not in virtualenv, but if i run sudo pip3 install homeassistant i install the program, i boot it but after a little I close and receive the segmentation error message … somebody can help me thanks
can you copy and paste the error message you are receiving so we may review?
Thanks for the answer the error you are telling me is segmentation error but I’m probably wrong in installing you know you are an installation method that is not in Virtualenv but the lnstalli directly home assistant in the directory thank you
Your error is likely caused by some dependency issue or incompatible version of required package.
What python versions?
What OS and OS Version are you using?
I direct install in Raspbian with no trouble.
You may also consider docker.
hello I could ask for a favor to see if I’m wrong I would send the installation string you did to install home assistant thanks. i can also ask you what do you mean when you tell me to try docker
I will try install on Raspbian today and let you know result.
1.install docker (you may try guide below…i have not tested this guide)
create folder in root directory “config”
Install HomeAssistant on Docker using below code
docker run -d --name="home-assistant" -v /config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -p 8123:8123 homeassistant/home-assistant
access homeassistant in browser at http://deviceIP:8123 . configuration folder is in /config/configuration.yaml on Pi
Also, why you not like venv?
Have you tried HASS.io? It is complete OS with HomeAssistant installed.
I’ve never seen segmentation faults but a solution is here.
my guess would be something like
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo pip3 install pip-autoremove
sudo pip-autoremove homeassistant -y
sudo pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant
then try
hass --demo-mode
thank you so much very very i try this evening and i send you result thanks
hello i do not like installing in virtualenv because using the GUI does not make me configure the configuration files inside the .homeassistant folder and so i would install it directly in the main director. since i have just restored a new raspplay installation you could send me the strings for a proper installation in no virtual env thank you very much
I would try this for no virtualenv.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install homeassistant
then try this and wait 15 mins while it installs,
then try on your browser
it is essentially these instructions without the virtualenv.
Sorry, I haven’t seen this before. It might be a bigger problem.
what about using hassconfigurator to change .homeassistant files instead of installing on root?
I think that the virtual environment gives you a better security level in casa you think to access HA from outside your LAN.
hello thanks for everything i spigo my problem, i use the graphical interface of raspberry to make the .ymal file changes because i do not have much practice with the terminal so i connect to vnc and work. if I install hass in virtualenv when i go to modify the file in the .homeassistant folder does not make me rescue and tell me that i do not have the permissions, if i help fix this problem i can install the virtualenv thanks very much
My 2 cents.
Do you have another windows pc in your house? I suppose yes.
Enable ssh connection on your Pi
Install WINSCP (and puddy) in your notebook/desktop pc.
Use WINSCP to connect via ssh to your PI.
WINSCP allows you to navigate through folders and open yaml file in text editor!
Hi Siri this I managed to do it however my problem is that the V n.c. connection. I always do it remotely so when I’m not home and then I was looking for a system to connect directly without having to switch to another PC with Windows but there is the way to enable administrator permissions in the homeassistant user
hello I apologize and come to mind one thing but if I change the permissions to the homeassistant folder I can do what i need to edit the file directly from the GUI thanks