Installation advice on Proxmox Host

Hi all,
I’m new to Home Assistant and would like to try it out. Currently, I have a collection of scripts to control plugs, read out thermometers, a telegram bot etc. Stuff is spread over multiple devices like a Raspi and my home server running Proxmox. I would now like to clean up everything a bit and want to use Home Assistant on Proxmox for that.

I often use helper-scripts and found there are different ways to install Home Assistant. I’m wondering about potential benefits of one over the other. Typically, I would go with a LXC, but there is also the option of a full VM or a Docker install (IIUC, it’s an LXC with docker installed and HA as container running inside that, i.e. double virtualization). Why would that be a good option? And if it is beneficial for some reason, should I go for Proxmox->LXC->Docker or rather use the Docker install that exists in my OpenMediaVault VM anyways?

Thanks for your advice!

There are huge differences and basically I can tell you that HAOS on Proxmox seems to be the “overall” easy way. (i went from a install of NUC-> HAOS to NUC-> Proxmox → NUC and its basically the same and works fine.
See the chart:

See also what is installed on the userbase what the majority has to get an idea what is more popular:

Hi, I use the HA OS VM. Very satisfied with my setup.
See table of features on this page, indicating that HA OS support the most options.

Thanks, such an overview was what I was looking for! That makes the decision easy :slight_smile: I guess, I’ll go for the full VM

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The good thing is: when having Proxmox just get another Skyconnect/Zigbeestick for testing and test the waters with Docker… :slight_smile: it is a pain in the butt, BUT if it works, it feels much smoother.