What you call Linux 18.04.5 LTS is, I guess, Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.
And that is the reason you get this ‘Detected unsupported OS’ : the only supported OS for a supervised install is Debian 10.
So yes, upgrade your OS to Debian 10 and the error will be gone.
Or you can just ignore it and continue using your installation as is.
How can i easly upgrade Ubuntu with all of his stuff to Debian 10? Should that be a clean install and then migrate Docker 19.03.12, home assistant core etc. to the new one? Are there any instructions how to do that (What to backup?)
That Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS yet not supported is it dangerous to still using that?
As long as it works, there is no need to change. The ‘unsupported’ just means you can’t open an issue on github if you have a problem. You can still ask a question here
If you have a spare SSD/HDD laying about, you could swap out your current drive for a fresh drive and install Debian 10 or Proxmox. If you have any issues, just swap the drives back. (Take a snapshot and backup of all your yaml files first just to be extra safe)
But on my sitation proxmox image is not an option i think because then i cant install addons on home assistant? I mean docker addons such as mqtt broker, duckdns nginx proxy ssl addon etc.?
It can well with supervised install under linux, docker over that and install all off addons include HA Core under there.???
I think you are confused. You installed Home Assistant Supervised, or you would not get this warning. There was a short time Home Assistant container was called Home Assistant Core, but that is not what you have installed.
Under proxmox, you can install Home Assistant OS, and that includes all add-ons you have installed now.