Installation and ssh

I have installed HA supervisor with ssd boot .
How can I use ssh with an terminal on a MacBook.
If I connect the ssd to the MacBook ,Ive got an error that it the files not can read.
What is the best solution to connect with ssh ?

If you installed the Supervised way, you are master of the OS, so you should know how to connect to it.
If you actually means HA OS, see

My problem is that I will enable SPI and ttyAMA0 but I can’t find it
Is there an another solution to enable these things?

You don’t tell how you actually installed HA.
I don’t see in what SPI is relevant, here…

I did the installation with Balena etcher and a url then I did overwrite with an back-up of supervised.
I use an PiFace and for energymeterI use ttyAMA0

Ok, so you installed HassOS and must use the link I have below to enable SSH for the OS.

I’ve do that but I can’t find where I must see these settings.
Normally I did it in config.txt