Installation Device zigbee2mqtt on Synology NAS-Docker Container without auto-Detection

Then I don’t know.

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I don’t know either, maybe try

  port: 8080

When changing this, the zigbee2mqtt-Container stopped running after a few seconds.

Changing what, ports in the container config or the zigbee config? What does your logs say?

Is it this, what you asking for?

warn  2024-04-09 18:37:46: Set `permit_join` to `false` once you joined all devices.
info  2024-04-09 18:37:46: Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.
info  2024-04-09 18:37:46: Connecting to MQTT server at mqtt://
info  2024-04-09 18:37:46: Connected to MQTT server
info  2024-04-09 18:37:46: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', payload '{"state":"online"}'
info  2024-04-09 18:37:47: Started frontend on port 8080

I was thinking about the logs when it crashes, but now at least it seems the port config on the z2m side is correct. Now you just need to figure out how to map it correctly to the container / NAS.

but still:

And the 8080:8080 config is still present if you inspect the container config?

“Now you just need to figure out how to map it correctly to the container / NAS.”

What have I to do, to do this?

Sorry: But what container config?

Configuration.yaml in Data in the zigbee2mqtt-directory?

No, where you set the port mapping. Here:

yes, it is:

Ist “TCP” right? or do I have to change to “UDP” or “TCP / UDP”?

TCP is right. My german is rusty, do you have the network options somewhere? Like bridge, host etc.

Seems those are the general network settings on the container software. Are there network options directly on the container as well? Example from my QNAP:

Also, just to make sure, port 8080 can in many cases be a used port - change the port to 8099 on both the zigbee2mqtt (frontend) and the container config (8099:8099)

Aha. Try setting it from “bridge” to host.

I am searching, but can not find this option.

You might need to re-create the container. You have the config stored outside the container, right?