Installation Erros

Installing latest beta release i get the following error in the terminal, but home assistant is upgraded and working ok…

“botocore 1.9.16 has requirement python-dateutil<2.7.0,>=2.1, but you’ll have python-dateutil 2.7.2 which is incompatible.
python-jose-cryptodome 1.3.2 has requirement pycryptodome<3.4.0,>=3.3.1, but you’ll have pycryptodome 3.4.11 which is incompatible.”

What does it means?

Did you read the output?

It says what the issue is pretty clearly.

Ok, but this is an error due to? Me? Something in the installation? Is it serious or not?

Another error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘HaPanelConfig’ has already been declared”
