Installation hardware question

Thanks everyone. I managed to install and run Home Assistant last night! Hooray!!. :slight_smile: It was very straightforward when burned the the HAOS. It took about 10 mins to burn the image. 5 mins to install back into the machine. While I was there I changed the CMOS battery as well as it was showing RTC error when booting up.

All worked well and I can access the home assistant. Added few devices and working well including Zigbee. One issue I found is that I enabled advance mode but I cannot find any changes on the sidebar. No configuration or Supervisor item on the side bar. I tried clearing the cache but no difference. Any idea about what is happening here.

There is no more explicit supervisor menu anywhere since a long time.
All functions and addon management needed to be set are placed in the settings menu.

Oh I see. Thanks. How do I get into the configuration to edit YAML and install HACS?. I tried using add on store but I am unable to find it.

There are many videos on YouTube that will guid you through installing HACS. Try to find a recent one.

Before you install HACS you will need a terminal. If you install the Visual Studio Code Server add-on then you will get a file editor and a terminal in one go.

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If you install the Samba Share add-on, you should be able to see the config folder on any PC on your network. From there you can use any TEXT editor to edit your configuration.yaml file. (But first, copy it as a backup).

From inside Home Assistant, I use the File Editor add-on. It is a lot simpler than the Visual Studio Code Server add-on. File Editor is just a text editor.

Here is a YouTube tutorial about installing HACS, File Editor, SSH and Samba.

Thanks. I installed file editor and did my first YAML edit and guess what, it worked! :slight_smile:

Thanks! I have terminal installed. I heard in some youtube video that Visual studio code is resource intense compared to file editor?

In comparison to file editor it is but you won’t be using it all the time so I wouldn’t worry.

This is what Visual Studio Code editor gives you:
Swiss Army Knife

When this is all you need:


Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the help. I think I am making good progress. Added all my devices, setup some automation and make a dashboard with the default lovelace interphase :slight_smile:

I was able to add all my Zigbeen devices with the default ZHA. Is there any advantage of installing ZigbeeMQTT? I just bought an IKEA button which is added to HA by but I am it is not working currectly, as the button presses are not registered. Would this be solved with ZigbeMQTT. Also I noted that one of the Zigbee switches was showing offline and I had to re-pair and then it worked. Would this issues be resolved with ZigbeeMQTT?. I do not want to install extra addons if it works fine with the default service,

Also, what is the best addon for monitoring the system, CPU use etc?
