Installation Home Assistant has errors on NXP i.MX 8M

I would like to install HomeAssistant on NXP i.MX 8M, and I met a problem.
There are some error after running hass, and the erro message is like below:

2018-06-07 02:30:02 ERROR (Thread-4) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package netdisco==1.4.1: Failed building wheel for netifaces
Command “/srv/homeassistant/bin/python3 -u -c “import setuptools, tokenize;file=’/tmp/pip-install-d0ewozel/netifaces/’;f=getattr(tokenize, ‘open’, open)(file);’\r\n’, ‘\n’);f.close();exec(compile(code, file, ‘exec’))” install --record /tmp/pip-record-5y31g93a/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile --install-headers /srv/homeassistant/include/site/python3.5/netifaces” failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-d0ewozel/netifaces/
2018-06-07 02:30:02 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.requirements] Not initializing discovery because could not install requirement netdisco==1.4.1
2018-06-07 02:30:02 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for discovery: Could not install all requirements.

Currently, I follow this document to install HomeAssistant:

Does anyone have an idea about how to install HomeAssistant on NXP i.MX 8M without these errors?