First I tried to install HA using the instructions given by HA and Conbee II. That was instable. It ran for some days than after a restart it was messed up. Dependency problems, connection to Conbee failed etc.
Then I saw a post: use a Docker container, otherwise it will not be stable.
I agree that it is ambiguous. I might as well defensively use the full path name to avoid problems. I cannot reproduce the issue anymore because my configurations are gone. I will have to setup all and create a backup at regular interval. Currently I have another problem that prevents.
First of all, thank you for taking the time. I’m better off dealing with frustration with it. I fixed another problem by running the Docker container in a privileged mode (Conbee II could not be found). By doing this I set the full path of the configuration as you suggested. That still leaves me confused that it did work for a fortnight without all that. I will be back here if the problem occurs again
For me this issue is solved. For all who experience the same problem with Conbee II:
To manage your zigbee devices in HA you need the integration Zigbee Home Automation
You can only connect your Zigbee Home Automation when deConz runs on your machine because deConz forces you to release the connection and blocks the port at the same time
From that moment, deConz and HA try to connect to the same port → Problem COLLISION and an INSTABLE SYSTEM
SOLUTION: Stop deConz on you machine and manage your devices by Zigbee Home Automation
That is a confusing concept and I could not possible think that it was the only way to fix it. My system is stable for more than a month now.